
Meet The Characters

The following is a partial list of the main character that are featured in two or all three of the novels in The Sainted Trilogy. There are a number of others that you will come to know and love…or hate…depending on your point of view.


Meet Chris Pella

Italian…Catholic…Born in the Bronx…

Talks to the Saints…

You’ve got to be kidding!

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Evil Awaits’


Meet Uncle Al

Chris’ uncle and surrogate father,

Hero Cop and

Chief of Detectives in Suffolk Co. NY

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Evil Awaits’


Meet Beth Della Russo

Head Nurse at Huntington Hospital


Chris’ love interest

In and out of danger

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Evil Awaits’


Meet Fred Klein

Loving Grandfather

Good friend of Chris

Worried sick about Tina

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Evil Awaits’


Meet Julian/Juliano

Satan in human form

Master of the Crows

Commands the demon forces of Hell

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Evil Awaits’


Meet Dr. Thomas Houston

Presidential candidate

Billionaire Atheist

He has one hell of a secret

and he’s not telling!

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Revelations’


Meet Heriberto Quintana

Leader of MS13 on Long Island

Pimp…drug dealer…vicious killer

Believes in Julian…Bad idea.

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Evil Awaits’


Meet Harry Lieberman

Billionaire Businessman

Father to beautiful actress

Amanda Sellers

Donor to Dr. Thomas Houston’s

Presidential Campaign

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Revelations’


Meet Hamilton Cargill

Hollywood Superstar

Temps Beth with his wealth

Supports Dr. Thomas Houston

For President

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Revelations’


Meet Amanda Sellers

Beautiful, talented, accomplished actress

Daughter of a Billionaire

Has an immediate attraction to Chris

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Revelations’


Destiny Pride and Aisha Thompson

Young Teen Prostitutes

Addicted to Drugs by MS13

Witnessed the horrors of


© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Evil Awaits’


Meet Fr. Aiden Langford

Catholic Priest

Biblical Scholar and Instructor

Uncle Al’s Best Friend

Love’s Rosa’s Pizza

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Revelations’


Meet Al Masih ad Dajjal

The False Messiah in Islam

Known as The Deceiver

Controls an Army of Persian Demons
© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Megiddo’


Meet Msgr. Amodeo De Marinis

Chief Exorcist

Assigned to the Vatican

Good friend of Fr. Langford

Nearly killed by Demon Leviathan

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Megiddo”


Meet Dr. Spencer Price

Brilliant research scientist

Foremost expert on cancer

Lovable, irascible curmudgeon

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Revelations”


Meet Verrine

Demon Master

A Favorite of Satan

Nickname ‘Mr. Muscles’

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Megiddo’


Meet Angelica and Vincent Grometti

Owns an Italian Foods

Specialty Shop

Good friend with

Beth and Chris’ Families

Fairy Godparents to Chris

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Evil Awaits’


Meet Sonneillon

Demon Master of Hell

Fourth prince of Thrones

Tempts men and women to hate

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Revelations’

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