
Meet the Saints & Take-a-Quiz

The following is a partial list of some of the Sainted featured in one of the three novels in the series. I have written of many of the Sainted that are from the earliest days of Christianity and they were inspired by the love of Jesus, belief He is the Son of Man and His command over their faith. There are a number of other saints that I will add to this section over time.

Meet St. Agnes of Montepulciano

Born of Divine Lights

Performed miracles

throughout her life

Allowed by the Blessed Mother

to hold the infant Baby Jesus

in her arms

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Evil Awaits’


Meet St. George

Roman Soldier

Slayed the ‘Dragon’

Beheaded by Diocletian

Honored as a Martyr

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Revelations’



Who is the Patron Saint of Brewers?


His mother is also a Saint.!

Meet St. Elizabeth of Portugal

Wed to King Dinis of Portugal

Saved the life of her Page

Turned her husband away

From his unholy ways

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Revelations’


St. Augustine Of Hippo

Brilliant Scholar, Theologian, Writer

Patron Saint of Brewers

Son of St. Monica

Needs to spend more time in the sun

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Evil Awaits’


Who was held prisoner, repeatedly raped, and had her breasts cut off?


She spurned the advances of a Roman Prefect.

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Evil Awaits’


Saint Dionysius The Areopagite

Witnessed and recorded a darkness

at the exact time of Christ’s death

Is quoted as saying “God suffers, or everything is lost.”

Was with the Blessed Mother at her death.

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Megiddo’


St. Anthony Of Padua

One of the Most Popular Saints

Powerful Speaker and Devore Holy Man

Received the Holy Spirit and the Miracle of Pentecost

Many miracles performed at his gravesite

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Revelations’



What saint fasted for 40 days?


He made saltwater fresh, He brought rain during drought, He walked on the waters of the Nile River

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Megiddo’


Meet St. John of Patmos

One of the original twelve Apostles

Lived to a very old age

Visited by an Angel of the Lord

Wrote the Book of Revelations

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Revelations’


Meet St. Mary Magdalene

Beautiful and proud

A sinner who

wept at the feet of Jesus

Favorite saying

If the Lord could forgive

the worst of sinners,

He can forgive us all”

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Evil Awaits’



Where is the beautiful stained glass ‘Jellett Window’, depicting the Lamb of God, located?


It’s in a chapel within a Cathedral in Ireland

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Revelations’


Meet St. Selaphiel

One of Seven Archangels

Ushered Adam and Eve

From The Garden of Eden

Takes the prayers of people

to God

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Megiddo’


Meet St. Paul the Apostle

Among the most famous,

intelligent and influential

of the Apostles

Converted to Christianity

After powerful vision

Beheaded by and insane

Emperor Nero

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Megiddo’



Where on earth was St. Patrick shown the entrance to Purgatory?


The entrance is in a cave near a Loch

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Revelations’


Meet St. Aloysius Gonzaga

Born the eldest of seven children.

Witnessed the murder of

two of his brothers in 1576.

Suffered from kidney disease,

from a skin disease, chronic headaches

and insomnia.

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Evil Awaits’


Meet St. Teresa of Avila

She was too charming but found it

Easy to slip into a worldly life

and ignore God.

Quoted as saying

“Prayer is an act of love,

words are not needed…all that is needed

is the will to love.”

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Revelations’



How many Saints Valentine are there?


There are a lot more than three!

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Revelations’


Meet Saint Peter

Leader of the 12 Apostles

Died as a martyr for his faith

received from Jesus the name Cephas

from Aramaic meaning “Rock”

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Megiddo’


Meet Saint John of The Cross

Held as prisoner and was able to

perfect a contemplative state

Beaten by his own Carmelite Order

Over religious reforms

Quoted as saying

Where there is no love, put love.

And you will find love.”



Which saint is known as, The Giant Canaanite?


His name is Reprobus.

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Megiddo’


St. Raymond Nonnatus

Spent years travelling to Muslim Lands

to ransom Christians captured by the Moors.

Moors bored a hole through his lips with a hot iron,

and padlocked his mouth

to prevent him from preaching.


Meet St. Matthew

Recognized as a saint by Roman Catholics,

Lutheran, Easter Orthodox and Anglicans.

Among the early followers and apostles of Jesus

One of the witnesses of the Ascension of Jesus



Where is this quote from? “Hell is empty… All the devils are here.”


It was written by Shakespeare

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Megiddo’


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