
Sneak Peek Excerpts

Uncle Al

Chris, I know what you’re up to.”

Chris Pella

What do you mean?

Uncle Al

You know what I mean, Chris.

Out at 3 A.M…druggies…prostitutes…pimps…Tina!

If these scumbags think she’s a threat

they’ll kill her and leave her body parts

all over Jones Beach parking lot.”

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Evil Awaits’


There appears a bright light that pours

Through every window like liquid gold.

The light seems to come from above and below

As it slowly encircles the house

Making the surroundings brighter

Then any glorious summer day.”

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Evil Awaits’


Uncle Al is uncharacteristically preoccupied.

Chris Pella

Hey Unc, there’s a naked woman behind you

with a toll-free number on her chest

and a sign that says, ‘I want Al.’”

Uncle Al

Uh, sorry what did you say?”

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Evil Awaits’


As she becomes conscious, she feels

the cold, damp earth under her body.

She tries to move into a sitting position,

but, she finds herself becoming

dizzy and disoriented. Where is she?

The space all around her is dark,

and she is nearing the point of hysteria.”


Hello? Hello? Is anybody here?”

No answer, no footfalls, no sound.

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Evil Awaits’


Chris is standing outside

the hospital room when someone says

Beth Della Russo

I hope you didn’t hurt that guy’s fist

when you smashed your face into it.”

Chris turns to see a stunning young nurse

standing there with a chart in her hand.

Chris Pella

I turn around and come face-to-face

with the most beautiful woman I’ve ever scene

Beth Della Russo

So, what happened to you, Rocky?

Do I need to call the doctor or the police?”

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Evil Awaits’


Heriberto Quintana

(smashes a rat with his foot)

Mire lo que le hizo a mi pantalón!”


Now, Heriberto, don’t worry about your pants.

It seems that you are making our friend nervous.”

Heriberto Quintana

(with an exaggerated bow)

Oh, please excuse me.

I wouldn’t want you to feel unwelcome.”

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Evil Awaits’


Chris Pella

When my mother died, I tried to keep it together.

After the wake, I looked at Mom’s sweet face,

lying in the casket

She lay there in her favorite red dress,

but there was no joy on her face,

only silence in death.

A lifetime of love is placed in a casket,

and I have to say goodbye.”

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Evil Awaits’


Why did this four-year-old girl feel terror?

Why could she not enjoy this beautiful day

God had given her?

So why should today be any different?”

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Evil Awaits’


Det. Dan Orello

The officer went from room to room

and when he entered the daughters’ room

he discovers the corpses of the twin girls.”

Chief Al Barese

Dead? They found the twins dead?”

Det. Dan Orello

Chief, that’s not all. The words

Lamb of God’ is written in on the

walls in their blood.”

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Revelations’


I try to explain about Julian,

Chris Pella

This is different Uncle Al. Juliano,

whether demon or Satan, can be

seen by anyone and he can speak

with anyone. The Sainted only seem

to appear and speak to only me.”

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Evil Awaits’



You needed to get her straight?

My property—and you needed

to get her straight?”


But she gave me no respect;

I can’t let her get away with that shit.”


You have to earn respect.”

In an instant, Heriberto flings open his knife

and plunges it into Ernesto…twice!

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Evil Awaits’


Chris Pella

You may remember the ‘Parkway Murders’.

Uncle Al was a detective at the time

there was a serial killer that would find his victims and

their broken cars on the side of the road.”

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Evil Awaits’


Police officer to Chris Pella

Are you one of the pieces of shit

that preys on these young kids?”

Chris Pella to Police Officer

My name is Chris Pella…My uncle is Chief Al Barese

Police Officer to Chris Pella

Chief Barese? He was part of the fire fight

and he’s been shot. It looks pretty serious”

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Evil Awaits’



I hope you are enjoying our show.

I must admit it is a bit impromptu.

There was no time for rehearsal,

no time for practicing our lines,

but it is spectacular in spite of it all,

don’t you think?”

Chris Pella

Fuck you…”


No, Christopher, it is you who will be,

as you put it, fucked.

Your prayers will go unanswered.

God and your precious Sainted

have all abandoned you,

and you will have to face evil

all by your lonesome.”

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Evil Awaits’


Amanda Sellers

Well, I assume the long story

is about a problem you have.”

Chris Pella

Well to tell you the truth, you are the problem.

I mean you are part of the problem.”

Amanda Sellers

ME…part of the problem?

How can adorable, innocent, lovable me

be part of any problem, least of all yours.”

Chris Pella

You forgot beautiful.”

Amanda Sellers

Oh, that’s right I forgot, I am beautiful!”

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Megiddo’


Barbara Ellen Comstock

Dr. Houston, what a pleasure it is to see you again.”

Dr. Thomas Houston

Please Barbara Ellen, we’ve known each other

for too long, please call me Tom.”

Barbara Ellen Comstock

Well, Tom it’s all about to start.

Are you ready?”

Dr. Thomas Houston

I was born ready.”

Tom smiles and Barbara Ellen smiles back.


Ready on the set, in 5…4…3…2…1.”

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Revelations’


Beth Della Russo

Listen kiddo, we better be a lot more than

just a nice couple or you may go home

with another black eye…even worse than

the one you had when we first met.”

Chris Pella

Vi prego di scusare il mio

povero tentativo di umorismo.”

Beth Della Russo

Okay, your poor attempt at humor

has been duly noted.”

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Revelations’


Fr. Langford needs to communicate

what has happened in the

Bonaventure Room to Chief Al Barese.

Fr. Langford

Spartaco, what I am about to tell you

next is part existential and part conjecture

in that I believe I have experienced

my own particular revelation.

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Revelations’


Chris Pella

I look up at the most glorious of sights.

St. Michael the Archangel is floating above me.

He is surrounded by a brilliant, white light.

Michael the Archangel is holding

a sword and shield with the legend in Latin,

Quis Ut Deus” meaning “Who is like God.”

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Evil Awaits”


Dr. Thomas Houston

I look at the vastness of the universe and

See many wondrous things; stars, galaxies

and the reality that manifests itself

as we contemplate the universe.

All of these wonders prove many things to me,

but unfortunately, they do not prove

the existence of a god.”

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Revelations’


Chris Pella

I leave the table and go into the kitchen.

I’m working at the stove when I feel

a pair of arms encircling my waist.

I put down the sieve and turn around

and come face to face with Beth.

We look into each other’s eyes and it is

inevitable that we kiss. It is a long,

passionate kiss and I feel like never before.

When we stop she looks up at me and says,

Beth Della Russo

I don’t know what made me do that?

We just met, but I feel like I’ve known you forever.”

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Evil Awaits’


Chris Pella

In my panicked state, I take a step backwards,

but at that exact moment the ground beneath

me gives way and I fall into an abyss.

I tumble a long way down and crash

onto the ground below. I bang my head

during the fall, and I am fading in

and out of consciousness when I hear.”


Welcome, Christopher! Welcome!

We are so happy to see you, dear boy!

You are a sight for sore eyes! Welcome!”

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Evil Awaits’


The princess sees the monster and begins to

scream, to the delight of the dragon.

Step by step the hideous beast comes closer and

the princess stares in horror as she sees

that the beast seems to be smiling.

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Revelations’


Dr. Thomas Houston

This may sound forward so please

don’t take it as anything, but an

innocent query on the part of a

lonely bachelor to a beautiful nurse,

but would you like to have dinner

with me some evening?”

Beth Della Russo

Well, what should I tell my boyfriend?

Dr. Thomas Houston

How strange, you have a boyfriend?”

Beth Della Russo (smiling)

Yes, if you can believe it.”

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Revelations’


Beth reluctantly takes Chris’ hand

and they sneak into the executive suite

and are surprised to see Dr. Houston

Dr. Thomas Houston

Beth! I am so glad you came.

I’ve been waiting for you.

I hope you are enjoying yourself.”

Beth Della Russo

Thank you, we are having a wonderful time.

We didn’t mean to intrude,

Chris and I are just looking around;

I hope you don’t mind.”

Dr. Thomas Houston

Of course, I don’t mind, this is your suite.”

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Revelations’



So, you say God will forgive my sins.

Why don’t I just go to the top and

confess to God.”

Fr. Langford

Well, as a priest, I am God and Christ’s

representative and He has given priests

the power to hear confession and forgive sins.

The power to forgive sins is a part of

the power of the priesthood.”


Sounds like a lot of power.”

Fr. Aiden nearly laughs out loud


It is!”

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Megiddo’


Dr. Thomas Houston

Well, where’s Chris, that lucky guy?”

Beth Della Russo

He’s in Chicago with Harry Lieberman.

It seems that your introduction

did wonders for him. Harry is letting

Chris broker part of his collection and he’s

there, evaluating the pieces.”

Dr. Thomas Houston

Oh, that’s terrible, I mean wonderful.

Well, terrible that he’s not here and

wonderful that he has this opportunity.”

Tom is staring at Beth like the cat that

swallowed the canary.

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Revelations’


Jawad throws himself over the

body of his unconscious son

as the terrorist now pummels

the man in a maniacal rage.

He kicks Jawad off the unconscious boy

and lifts Ashem off the ground by his hair.

In one swift motion removes the dagger

from its sheath and holds it to the child’s throat.

The father screams and cries

as he begs for mercy.

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Megiddo’


The vision of St. Maria begins to dissolve

St. Maria Goretti

You have seen certain signs,

but there are many more to come.

You are to fight this evil and

that is your purpose here,

but you will never need to rely

on your faith more than at this time.”

Chris Pella

How can I fight such and evil?

All humanity, what can I do?”

St. Maria Goretti

Much, you will be called on to do much.

The Lamb of God is with you.”

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Megiddo’


Fr. Langford

In Revelation 13:11 it is written ‘Then I saw

a second beast, coming out of the earth.

It had two horns like a lamb,

but it spoke like a dragon.”

Chief Al Barese

Second beast? Isn’t that Satan?”

Fr. Langford

The second beast, the beast of the earth,

in Revelation is denoted as the false prophet.

As it is written in the Apocalypse,

the false prophet is the agent of the Beast.”

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Revelations’


Satan looks down at Tom Houston


Do you not wonder whom it is

I have summoned?”

Dr. Thomas Houston

No, my lord, I mean yes my lord.”

Tom fears making Satan angry.

This time, however, Satan laughs.


Ah, welcome my friend welcome!

Dr. Thomas Houston, please welcome

Al-Masih ad-Dajjal.”

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Megiddo’


Chris Pella

Uncle Al, I had another vision last night.”

Chief Al Barese

What! Another vision, tell me about it.”

Chris Pella

It was a vision of St. Gabriel the Archangel.”

Chief Al Barese

This sounds bad.”

Chris Pella

It is. St. Gabriel told me of the

great battle to come; the apocalypse,

like the one prophesized in the Bible.”

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Megiddo’


Al-Masih ad-Dajjal

The lights of Halabja shine bright.

The people believe themselves to be safe

and they go about their lives as if

there was no retribution for their sinful ways.”

Is there to be retribution for

breaking the laws of Allah?”

The Warriors


Al-Masih ad-Dajjal

Who shall carry the sword of retribution?”

The Warriors


© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Megiddo’


Jesus reaches out and touches Peter

and he is saved, but Jesus is saddened

and tells his disciple,

Jesus Christ

“Have you so little faith … why did you doubt?”

St. Peter steps out of the vision

and stands before Chris.

St. Peter

I have relived that moment of doubt for

millennia and I still feel ashamed. I have

seen the Lord perform miracles, but

when it came to my believing in Him,

my own fear allowed me to doubt

what my eyes beheld.”

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Megiddo’


Police Officer to Chris Pella

Are you one of the pieces of shit

that preys on these young kids?”

Chris Pella to Police Officer

My name is Chris Pella…My uncle is Chief Al Barese

Police Officer to Chris Pella

Chief Barese? He was part of the fire fight

and he’s been shot. It looks pretty serious”

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Evil Awaits’


While we are speaking, the temperature drops

and the air suddenly turns cold.

I look up at a large, ominous grey cloud

directly overhead. The cloud completely

blocks the sun and the wind starts to pick up.

When I look over the bow I see

the boat is drifting towards Pit Island.

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Evil Awaits’


Fr. Langford tells Uncle Al and Chris

about the precipitous increase in

demonic possessions taking place around the world.

Fr. Langford

Amodeo is fully aware of the consequences

of the prophesies as made known

in Revelations, and he fears that current events,

including the Lamb of God atrocities

could foreshadow the end of days.”

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Megiddo’


His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance

When I saw Him, I fell at His feet as though dead

Then He placed his right hand on me and said,

Do not be afraid I am the first and the last.

I am the living one; I was dead,

and behold I am alive for ever and ever!

And I hold the keys of death and Hades.”

Revelation 1:12-18

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Revelations’

Beth Della Russo

You know, we had a special visitor

at the hospital today.”

Chris Pella

Really, who?”

Beth Della Russo

Our very special visitor was

Dr. Thomas Houston.”

Chris Pella

You mean that ugly guy who

never found a camera he didn’t like.”

She changes her demeanor to appear surprised.

Beth Della Russo

Don’t tell me you’re still jealous, Chris?”

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Revelations’


Amanda gets out and stands on the curb.

I set my luggage down and I tell her

Chris Pella

Thanks so much for everything;

you are an amazing person and

I intend to get all my friends very jealous

by telling them that I met you.”

Amanda Sellers

Is that all you’re going to tell them?”

Chris Pella

Why, what do you mean?”

Amanda puts her arms around my neck

as she stares into my eyes for a brief moment.
Her lips are soft and her embrace is warm

and she kisses me for a very long time.

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Revelations’


Beth and Tom stop dancing, but

Tom continues to hold Beth in his arms

as they look into each other’s eyes.

At once Beth seems to snap out of her

entranced state and she gently

pushes Tom away and he smiles,

Dr. Thomas Houston

You are a wonderful dancer.”

Beth is silent but finally says,

Beth Della Russo

Thanks, so are you.”

© Harbour Point Publishing ‘Revelations’

Please add the following to “Meet the Characters – Take A quiz”

St. Anthony / Antony

Confronted the devil and demons all his life

Lived as a hermit in the desert and

fasted often

Refused to ever give up and

Lived to 105 years old


St. Valentine

Sentenced to Martyrdom

by Roman Emperor

Performed miracle to cure the blindness

of his Jailers daughter

His legend includes s note to the young girl

Ex Tua Valentine”

His special day is commemorated

each year on February 14th

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